Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The beginning of my European travels started with flying to Phoenix then to London.

I changed some currency (Pounds) at the Phoenix airport and noticed next to the currency exchange place was an interfaith chapel. I was curious to say the least and had the time so I enter the room. There were about 50 chairs and one woman with a head dress, kneeling on the ground praying quietly to herself.  The North side of the room was indicated with a little sign “North” as well as a small shelf with books from various religions.  As soon as I parked my luggage and sat down in a chair the women left. I prayed out loud professing the true King of Kings, Lord of Lords Jesus Christ! And that anyone who enters this prayer room would encounter the TRUE God and Creator of the universe.  Amen. It was fun.

Alright, 747’s are awesome!  The two stories blew my mind. Yes, this is the first time I’ve been on one. This is also my first time traveling to Europe.  I guess the size of the plane has something to do with how high they fly, (I’m a food missionary not rocket scientist) so looking out from my window seat was a whole new experience. The plane took off from Phoenix around 7:35pm and the sun was setting with beautiful shades of orange, red and yellows that stretched on forever. It was almost as if we were racing the sunset because as we gained altitude I saw more and more of yellow and blue sky that was untouched by the fiery red sun.
Then we reached the level of skimming through the cloud cover, which turned my colorful scenery into a thick white fog. Up, up we kept ascending to what looked like whole other world with it's own topography made of clouds. It was amazing, this soft fluffy sheet of cloud with mountains and hills made of it too (think cotton balls).  I pictured myself peacefully falling back with my arms wide open and a huge smile on my face into these gorgeous calming clouds. Not unlike when you trustingly fall back into snow and make a snow angel.

My first meal on the plane was dinner with an option of chicken curry or lasagna for the entree. It came with a small white roll, strawberry cheesecake, vegetable salad with balsamic vinaigrette and water. The meal was so much fun, like as if I was having my own private picnic in my row (blessed with 3 seats all to myself). God is so great that even a meal that comes free with the ticket was so enjoyable for me! Just makes me wonder what He has in store for me in London.

My sense of time is all mixed up, I’m guessing that the lights darkened in the plane and everyone was quite, trying to sleep around 10pm. I followed suit and it wasn’t the easiest thing maneuvering around with a seat belt on trying to get into a good sleeping position but time flew by. I first woke up and there were 4 hours remaining on the flight, slightly discouraging. Second time I woke up 1½ hours! Breakfast was served (muffins, strawberry yogurt and tea).
Windsor Castle
My first glimpse this morning of outside was a burst of bright sun, brilliant blue skies and those same beautiful fluffy clouds. Forget coffee, that was so exhilarating, energizing me for the start of my London adventure!  God is good! I’m so excited. And thanks to my followers for tagging along.

God Bless,


  1. Did you eat the chicken curry or lasagna? The suspense is killing me. jk


  2. I love your writing my little sister. It's like we are right there with you. I love you.

    -Big sis

  3. Missing you girl! Keep up with the writing and pictures when you can. It's like we are joining you in your adventure. I happen to LOVE the experience of eating plane food too - isn't that funny?


  4. Do you like curry???? Your uncle Glenn likes curries. I am inviting them soon for Pakistani meal.

    Rosebell Lal
