Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thessaloniki- Greece

What to say about Greece? Different language, different culture and different food! And I’m loving it. Touching on this a bit, automatically I feel like a second class citizen, not being able to even say “excuse me” on the bus or in the stores. This is the first time I’ve felt the effects of a language barrier before, but I’m learning some words and Greeks are so expressive (like the Italians) that I can tell what the conversations are about by their faces, hands and voice fluctuations- especially the women!
That being said, PRAISE GOD music breaks down these barriers. The first Greek church service I attended was a Wednesday evening service, I just prayed that God would give me the words to some of the songs and sure enough the next song they played was “How Great Is Our God” ahhhhhh I love this song and I got to sing in English and worship the Lord while everyone else was worshiping in Greek. Then “These are the days Of Elijah” played and I felt at home. With each church service I am experiencing the awesome power of music, not only to create a mood or atmosphere to experience God’s presence but how a recognizable melody (no matter the language) can plug you into the Spirit and suddenly you can find a sense of home, no matter your location (around the world or not). At least, this is my experience.  Music can bridge the gap, so to speak and is one of the unexpected blessings I’ve encountered while being in a foreign country. The sermons have been translated for me as well- all new for me too, to be listening to two people at once, I wasn’t sure who to look at, the pastor or the translator. The youth have been so gracious in helping out here, translating for me during the services. The teenagers in the youth group are really a great group of kids, multi-talented, who love Jesus and have warmly welcomed me while I’ve been in Greece.
White Tower
The Greek church family I’m beginning to know and love have been nothing but warm and loving towards me. The physical church building itself is very modern and beautiful inside. The congregation is just as wonderful, you know it’s a good church when you are able to feel at rest so quickly. They have included me in their summer time plans and have been so sweet in inviting me on outings. I’ve been spoiled with taking in the historic sights of Thessaloniki, swimming at the beach, shopping at the farmers market and eating more 95% home cooked meals. The food is a whole other post but you can look at the slide show for now, it’s just blowing my socks off. 
Speaking of food, Maria, the church’s coordinator and I discussed what I could make (food wise) for the 4 day conference (Equipped for the Last Days) coming up next week. Looks like deviled eggs is one of the recipes I’ll be doing. The conference has some great pastors coming to speak, including Pastor Bob Forseth, whom I’m excited to see from home and Kris and Laura Dakas from Albania, which I’ll be traveling up north with after the conference. They are expecting over 200 people to attend the conference and expecting the Spirit to fall in an amazing way, as have been the norm at past conferences.
It’s an exciting time at the Pentecostal Church Thessaloniki and I’m blessed to be a part of what God’s doing and plans to do at this conference in Greece.
God Bless, 


  1. I was wondering when you were going to do another post. I look everyday!! I didn't even think about the language barrier, thank God for your translators and friends helping you, and of course the music always helps ;)

    I'm so excited about all your food pictures! That fish above looks so tasty and there are tons of pictures in your slide show that I cannot wait to hear about!!

    Sounds like you are having a blast can't wait to read the next post!

    Kids miss you and love you!!

    ♥ sis

  2. Hi! I just came across your blog. Was wondering what church you went to in Thessaloniki? I'm Greek-American and moved back to Greece about 10 years ago. In search for a good Church and Christian fellowship here.
